Sunday, August 23, 2009

memories of my pets

I was in my friend, Mary's house and we were watching the film Marley and Me. The story is so simple and if your a pet owner you can really relate to it. I'm sure everybody who has or had a dog can see some of the antics that Marley got up to. When Marley leg hugged the dog trainer, it reminded me that my first dog Topsy did the same with the milkman. My dog Topsy like Marely would wait for me to get off the school bus. Topsy was named after my dad's dog. I remember we couldn't think of a name for our ginger cat, until we noticed one of my cousin's eating mints so we named the cat Minty. Though I can never remember any of my dogs destroying furniture, I do recall Millie(named after the year we got her, 1988, course it got shortened from millenium) the cat clawing the chair in my room. Boy do I relate to Marley's owner with the issue of STORMS, when there was one, Daisy made a bee line to my bedroom. She wouldn't come down until she was ready! She was half corkie half Jane Russell and very stubborn. When Marley was being put down it reminded me of the time when Daisy our last dog was being put down. The poor dog had a tumour for six week before we discovered.
But despite all their faults we all love our pets.
I would love to hear your memories