Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A tribute to a friend

Last Sunday, I went to collect for SVP in Our Lady's of Victories, I noticed a sign "Home with God" and a black sash draped on one of the confession boxes. Upon closer inspection, I discovered it was Father Tuite, the spiritual director of the two conferences in Sallynoggin.

I approached the sacristan. I was saddened that he'd died on the Tuesday, if I known I would have attended the funeral or the removal. Sacristan and I argeed that he would go directly to heaven.

Father Tuite was a very spiritual man. When I think what qualities you would need to have of having a vocation, he springs to mind. He had a warmth and friendilness about him. I goyt the impression that he was loved in the parish of Sallynoggin. I discovered that he had 17 operations, between bye passes and leg operations, but in all my dealings with him, I don't think I ever heard him complain. It was the cancer that got him in the end. I hope and pray that he didn't suffer much towards the end

Father Tuite is sorely missed by all the members of Our Lady's of Victories and Our Lady's of Visitation SVP conferences in Sallynoggin, and I know I speak for everybody that knew him that I hope he's gone to his eternal reward in heaven.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Money not good enough

In this time of recession the banks have decided that they want more from you than your money. They claim you life. They've become fortunetellers.
As in the case of my mother. My father died four years ago, so they assumed when my mother closed the joint account that she would be joining him. They didn't informed her of this fact, until she decided to transfer the paying of her pension from the post office to the bank. The bank then informed the social welfare that my mother had passed away four years ago. If this is the case why did she want to transfer the payment of her pension from the post office to the bank? Who's been signig her cheques for the past four years(The fraud squad should be called in!)? The question I want to ask how could the bank have been so stupid?