Friday, March 13, 2009


I have for years being using Word and Excel. Word 2003 was the ultimate in word processing packages. I have done several courses in MS office so I thought I was computer literate. I even did an European Qualification which is the most up to date city & guild qualification so you would think I am qualified to work in an office environment, Wrong along comes MSOffice2007. I thought they might change a couple of functions add a few more options to the same basic menus. Oh no they have totally changed the complete so theres nothing the way it was!
Yes call me a ludite but I thought the old format was far more user friendly!

So don't get the new version I hear you say! And I won't, but image my shock when I had to face MsWord2007 and MsExcel2007 in an IT exam for a job as a clerical officer in DIT. I was put into a state of shock trying to discover where things were positioned! There didn't seem to be any logic for half of the things that were on the screen. I completely lost my confidence so much that what I could normally do with confidence proved difficult so I only partially completed two word documents and only started the excel spreadsheet!
I will be surprised if I get call for the short listed interview and it's only been a year and a half since I've done my last interview

Monday, March 9, 2009

An enjoyable night

Last Friday I went to a variety night in the Kingston Hotel. It was a fundraise for my very good friend Mary.

On St Patrick's day,shes going to exhibit her beautiful paintings in the Princess Grace Library. It a well deserved honour for such a very talented artist. I'm sure her watercolours will be very well recieved. But because of her disability she needed to fundraise for the specialised medical equipment she'll need on the holiday.

Tony McArdle and his friends played some traditional music. They are a very talented bunch of musicians and although there were several groups on stage, they were able to marry their sounds. I must confess that I'm not a great lover of Trad music but it was a very enjoyable session.

The Raging Hormones were next on stage with their version of Riverdance. They were very funny and very talented.

There was an interval. To my shame I didn't buy any raffle tickets. But Liz at our table won lots of the prize. Then Mary made a speech. Then we were entertained by Mary, who sang "The Rose". I must admit I was moved to tears.

I hope the night made pots of money. Yes I will be joining Mary in Monaco. As her friend I have to support her in this opportunity of her lifetime.

why I don't like

It annoys the hell out of me when people say or write the phrase Disabled. You might think it's just the editor thinking its a quick way of using as few of words as possible. But I find it very offensive, because phrases like disabled artists send out a negative message. They don't write Able-bodied or non disabled artist. Whether the artist in question has a disability should be of no importance, its only the merits of their ability should count. I think that certain people using the phrases disabled and able-bodied are being discriminatory. I will concede that I am an artist and I do have a disability, but it doesn't define who I am!

Using the phrases disabled and ablebodied implies that there is a difference and the latter is inferior to the former. That's why I prefer the phrase Person with a disability, its putting the person which is more important first and the disability if it needs to be mention secondary. I don't want anyone to refer to me as a disabled artist or that that my disability is used to promote my sketches paintings or writings, because if its good it should speak for itself!