Friday, December 5, 2008

The chopping of the Elms

I was shocked the beautiful elm trees at Grange Grove,Deansgrange, County Dublin, being slaughtered. I admired their elegance and magnificence. They had been there as long as I could remember. People attached red ribbons and signs pleading with Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, but they fell on deaf ears. I have to laugh the council makes such an issue about how environmental the council is but what they say and do seem to be polar opposites. This plan to widen the road has been on their books from before I was born.

Progress is the argument they give, but at what cost. Alot of the houses in Grange Grove have children and before the trees acted as a buffer, the house will now be on the main road. Speaking as one of the people who has been knocked down on the Deansgrange road, it's a very busy road. I'm no health expert, but any idiot will tell you that when its completed there will be more fumes and that leads to health problems such as asthma! Oh the Insurance companies are going to love it all that add traffic will cause more acciddents!

Trees achors soils so if theres a big rainfall (I know we don't get much rain!) will cause flooding and more claims to the Insurance companies oh they are going to love you
Was it the Environmental Services that posposed that the widening would be a great idea!

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